I get so excited when I spot the first winter squash in the farmer’s market. This soup is creamy without a hint of dairy. It’s amazing how simple ingredients and a good quality sea salt can provide so much flavor. My favorite types of squash for this soup are kabocha or red kuri. Both of these types give a rich, creamy texture to the finished product. You can leave the skin on many types of squash. For a creamier texture, cut any hard bits and blemishes off the outside of the squash before cooking.

Creamy Squash Soup

  • 1 medium winter squash, cut into 2″ chunks
  • 1 medium onion, diced
  • several small pinches sea salt
  • non-pasteurized shoyu
  • toasted pumpkin seeds or parsley as garnish

1.  Place the onion in the bottom of a large stainless steel or cast iron pot. Layer the squash on top. Add a few pinches of seat salt and pour water up the sides until it just covers the squash. Bring to a boil on medium heat and then lower the heat to a simmer. Simmer covered until squash is soft.

2.  Remove pot from heat and either use an immersion blender, blender or food mill to puree.

3.  Put soup back on stove on low heat. Add shoyu to taste (about 1 1/2 to 2 tsp). Simmer lightly for 7 minutes to cook the shoyu into the soup.

4.  Garnish with toasted pumpkin seeds or chopped parsley.