by teresa@sweetveg | Jan 20, 2017 | Legumes, Mealing Planning
One of my strategies when cooking for busy families is to make dishes that can be eaten as is or added to other dishes. My style is kind of mix and match. I often create components rather than cooking full meals. I find this gives families greater flexibility in...
by teresa@sweetveg | Mar 29, 2014 | Articles, Children and Vegetables, Lena's Lunchbox, Mealtime
Lena will be four-years-old in a few weeks. An exciting thing she has learned recently is how to make her own nori rolls. Her favorite filling is rice and avocado, but we were out of avocado this week, so she got creative. These nori rolls are filled with pressure...
by teresa@sweetveg | Feb 7, 2014 | Articles, Mealing Planning, Mealtime
A few months ago, one of my blog followers asked me to create a menu plan for her and her family. I had made plans for myself before, but never for someone else. It was harder than I thought it would be, especially because menu plans have never worked for me no matter...
by teresa@sweetveg | Dec 5, 2013 | Articles, Mealtime
One simple strategy I have seen many parents use for meal planning is to have a set dish they make for each day of the week. Then, no matter where you are in your day, whether at work, picking up children from school or wiping noses, you always know that if it is...